Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Dear Children, Pray to the Holy Spirit in This Month Dedicated to Him
Message of Our Lady of Reconciliation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on April 5, 2024

Mario: Let us be silent. In this silence let us accept the Message that the Blessed Virgin Mary wished to leave us this day April 5, 2024.
The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Eternal Word, appears dressed all resplendent in white. She blesses all of us with the sign of the Cross. Smiling sweetly She says:
Praised be the Name of Jesus.
Dear Children, open your hearts to My Message of Reconciliation with the Most High Jesus Christ.
Dear children, meekly surrender yourselves to My motherly Hands.
Surrender yourselves completely to My Immaculate Heart, to find great peace, great joy, great consolation, great help.
Dear children, pray the Holy Rosary every day.
Dear children, pray My Rosary in your families, close to your holy Altars, making Holy Spiritual Communion frequently.
Dear children, pray to the Holy Spirit in this month dedicated to Him. Pray to Divine Mercy in this month dedicated to Her.
Dear children, I love you and bless you with My Motherly Blessing. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I especially bless all the candles, the candles you have brought to My Holy Presence in this holy place blessed by God, where I dwell constantly.
Pray by the light of these candles, blessed by Me, throughout the month of May, the month consecrated to Me, from 7 to 8 p.m.
Pray the Rosary, the Crown of Tears, the Crown of Holy the Wounds.
Mario: Today we received the great Sign of the Transudation and Effusion of Holy and Fragrant Oil from the Virgin of Fatima, the Statue kept in this votive shrine. Tears, human tears, of oil from the statues of the Saints: St. Joseph, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Rita of Cascia, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of La Salette also... exuded and gave oil... The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Pieta that is under the Cross. Behold, several statues of the Saints wept human tears and also exuded drops of Holy and fragrant Oil. Especially the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, with which Oil we shall, at the end of the prayer, be anointed and blessed.
Rosary of Our Lady's Tears (of Blood)
The Chaplet of the Precious Blood (Crown of Holy the Wounds)